
One of the Problems of Getting Older – It Takes More To Cause Wonder

…the older you get, the more it takes to fill your heart with wonder and only God is big enough to do that. Not only is He big enough, but…He is also near enough.
–Ravi Zacharias

Pray that You would Recapture the Wonder of how Wonderful Jesus Is!


You Have a Sacred Task Today

Your sacred task today:
The “layman” need never think of his humbler task as being inferior to that of his minister. Let every man abide in the calling wherein he is called and his work will be as sacred as the work of the ministry. It is not what a man does that determines whether his work is sacred or secular, it is why he does it. The motive is everything. Let a man sanctify the Lord God in his heart and he can thereafter do no common act. All he does is good and acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For such a man, living itself will be sacramental and the whole world a sanctuary. His entire life will be a priestly ministration. As he performs his never-so-simple task, he will hear the voice of the seraphim saying, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.”
–A. W. Tozer

Every one of us who are followers of Jesus; no matter if our paycheck is cut by a school, a hospital, a church, or any other person or organization; is called to work at our jobs and lives as if we are working for the Lord Jesus. Because He truly is our Boss, our King, our Lord. There might be other who have a role of responsibility over us, but ultimately Jesus is the One who gives us our orders. He tells us to serve as light in darkness, as salt in areas with no taste, as people bringing His joy into places of sadness.

Who are you working for today?
Have you sanctified Jesus in your heart and life in such a way that you now can do no common act?


The Importance of Justice Being Followed By Grace

The voice of the law should be brought forward, that men may be terrified and brought to a knowledge of their sins, and thereby be moved to sorrow…. But we must not stop here because that would be:
to wound only and not to bind up,
to strike and not to heal,
to kill and not to make alive,
to bring down to hell and not to bring back,
to humble and not to exalt.

Therefore the word of grace, and of the promised remission of sin, must also be preached, in order to teach and set up faith; since, without that word of grace… contrition, penitence, and all other duties, are performed and taught in vain.
–Martin Luther

What great wisdom from almost 500 years ago!


How You Can Be Safe In Making Every Choice – Choose God’s Will

The man who really loves God can do as he chooses, for if he really loves God he will choose to do the will of God.
–Bruce Shelley

What will you choose to do today?


How Well Do You Know Yourself?

Do you know yourself?
If we know ourselves at all, we know we are not fit to face Him.
What then are we to do?
The New Testament answer is: Call on the coming Judge to be your present Savior.
As Judge, He is the law, but as Savior He is the gospel.
Run from Him now, and you will meet Him as Judge then — and without hope.
Seek Him now, and you will find Him, and you will then discover that you are looking forward to that future meeting with joy, knowing that there is now “no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

–J. I. Packer

Enough said!