
The Humiliation of God

Christianity is the only major religion to have as its central event the humiliation of God.
–Bruce Shelley

While other religions focus on the exaltation of their central figure, Christ was fully God and yet humbly took on human nature, humbly came to earth as an infant dependent upon others, humbly allowed Himself to be arrested, humbly accepted being beaten and mocked and spit upon, and humbly chose to die on the cross. Only after being humiliated (treated with dishonor) by those He came to serve and ultimately by His act of dying on the cross did the King of the Universe exalt Himself and again take His rightful place of glory in Heaven. The central event of Christianity is the dishonor and humiliation of our great God, and it only occurs because He desires to bring us to Himself.

Have you considered how wonderful this news is, that the King of Glory loved you so much that He was willing to die for you?