
Short & Sweet Version

Unfortunately, too many people are satisfied with wading in the “shallow waters” of spiritual matters. But just as scuba signthe deep waters of the oceans hold truly amazing discoveries, a life of imitating Jesus also takes us into the deep. I don’t want to be satisfied with just wading in shallow water. So this is my attempt to dive a bit deeper and to encourage you to do the same.

the Longer Version

When I started this website some years ago, it was due to my belief that too many people who call themselves Christian don’t seem very serious about it. They just wanted to dabble along the fringes.

But the more I have looked around, I find that I made an error in judgment. While there are those in this first category, there are a whole bunch of others who are too serious. They are so serious that they don’t know how to laugh. They don’t seem to enjoy life. They have a hard time relating to others who know how to have fun. Maybe you’ve encountered some of these same folks along your journey down the path.

But Jesus wasn’t like that. Jesus was full of life. People enjoyed being around Jesus. And He said that His followers should be the same – full of life, full of love.

And while Jesus was full of life, He was also full of depth.
And that is what I think is missing in so many of His followers. It is not that Christians aren’t serious enough… in fact, many of us need to lighten up. But I do find that many Christians aren’t deep enough.
We need more life, more joy, AND more depth.
These are not mutually exclusive terms!

So that is the reason for this site.
Trying to help myself (and others) figure out how to have a more abundant life (not a more serious one) by going deeper with Jesus.

Or as is said in C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia:
                               “Further Up and Further In!”

Which brings me back to the scuba diving analogy

Maybe you know a lot of people who seem satisfied with just wading in the shallows. Certainly there can be a lot to see and discover in the shallows. But true excitement and discovery occur as you head into deeper water. The open water, unexpected encounters, and the thrill of a real discovery is worth it because it brings great passion and joy! In a similar manner, going deeper in one’s spiritual walk is where the excitement of real discoveries can take place.

I want to go deeper in my own walk with Christ. I don’t want to be satisfied with wading in shallow water. And I hope some of what you find here will help you diver deeper as well!

“The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.” –G. K. Chesterton

And… Who am i?

Here are three statements about me:

• I am a follower of Jesus Christ (who tries not to take himself too seriously).
• I am married to Paigephoto of me and my wife, Paige. – which works out great since we like so many of the same things! Paige tried to train me, but once she gave up on that lost cause, she moved on to training dogs. You can check out her dog training site at PaigeRushing.com
• I am the pastor at Poplar Springs Drive Baptist Church in Meridian, MS. Let me know how I can support and encourage you by emailing me at [email protected].