Christian Living

A Step In The Right Direction

In Honduras, I met several young men who were wrestling with a commitment to Christianity. The want to take a step in the right direction, but haven’t yet taken that first step. I wonder if they ever have these internal thoughts:

“How do I fathom what life is all about? Here are all these great philosophers across the centuries with better minds than I have, and one religion says this and another religion says that. Maybe one religion is as good as another. Who knows?…How can a person like me be sure?”

To that question, Catherine Marshall writes:
“Somebody very wise anticipated your question. All thoughtful men ask the same question sooner or later. So He left us a way so that we can be sure. It’s as specific as a doctor‘s prescription or as an algebraic equation. Here, I’ll write it down for you.

“Miss Alice went over to a little desk in the corner, sat down, opened one of the desk’s cubbyholes, took out a piece of notepaper, and began to write.… she folded it, and handed it to me. “Whenever you receive a written prescription from your doctor,” she said, “the first step after that is yours. You move on this,” she indicated the folded paper she had given me, “and then God will move.close-up of a person's shoes as they are taking a step in the right direction I‘ll guarantee it. And as for religion being vague—well, it isn’t. It’s been the delight of my life to find God far more common-sense and practical than any human I know. The only time I ever find my dealings with God less than clear-cut is when I’m not being honest with Him. The fuzziness is always on my side, not His.”

The piece of paper lay warm in my hand. I wanted to look at it but Miss Alice had not quite finished; “More people than not think religion dull. Some religions are dull. But believe me, Christianity isn’t. It‘s the most fascinating, delightful thing I know. You‘re standing poised on the threshold of great adventure. Now, you’re dying to see what I wrote…. Go—and take that first step.”

Maybe some of those Honduran guys are having these same thoughts.
Maybe you are too.
Maybe you would love to know what was on that piece of paper.
You might find yourself disappointed… When Christy opened the paper, it read:

“If any man will do the Father’s will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.”

She then states – “I read the words over two, three times trying to comprehend. I felt let down. Why did the Bible always disappoint me this way? Other people seemed to get meaning out of it. Why couldn’t I? What had I expected? Some magic, obviously. Then I tried to recall her exact words. “Go and take the first step.”

To take that first step… that is the secret – a step in the right direction. Seek to do His will and to know Him. He tells us in His Word:
“You will seek Me & find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”

Have you taken the first step today to seek Him, or are you passively waiting for something to happen?

— brian rushing

(Quotes from the book “Christy” by Catherine Marshall)