
Christmas Morning 2016

Christmas is all about the Incarnation – the idea that God became a man.
Emmanuel… God with us!

When Jesus was in the boat on the water caught in a storm with His disciples, they cried out for Him to help them. They had no idea how powerful the One they were crying out to really was:

Jesus stood up and yelled into the wind and spray, “Quiet! Be still!” The disciples shrank back in terror. What kind of person could shout to the weather as if correcting an unruly child? The display of power in the midst of a storm helped convince the disciples that Jesus was unlike any other man. Yet it also hints at the depths of Incarnation. “God is vulnerable,” said the philosopher Jacques Maritain. Jesus had, after all, fallen asleep from sheer fatigue. Moreover, the Son of God was, but for this one instance of miracle, one of its victims: the creator of rain clouds was rained on, the maker of stars got hot and sweaty under the Palestine sun.
–Philip Yancey

The love exhibited through the Incarnation is hard to fathom, but the truth remains… God left the glory of Heaven to be born as an infant, to go through childhood and adolescence, to experience all the depths of humanity… so that He would be the proper sacrifice for humanity when He would later go to the cross.

Thank you God for the Incarnation.
Thank you God for Your great love.
Thank you God for Christmas!