
Doubt: How Do I Know that Christianity is True and Right?

How do I know that Christianity is right?
Even if you have chosen to believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, have you ever had a doubt?
a graphic of question marks symbolizing doubt
Here’s a great question I received from a church member a while back:

    Yesterday as we were driving back from vacation on a Sunday, I had an opportunity to observe something that I usually don’t get to see, due to the fact that I am usually at my church. I passed Church after Church, Some Big and Some Small, Some with many cars and Some with few, Some urban some rural, and some were empty. As I drove I thought about the differences:
            1. Church governance is different.
            2. Each congregation believes it is hearing the truth.
            3. Each interprets the Bible as their leader or denomination teaches.
            4. Worship styles, and perhaps even aims and purposes, differ.
            5. Some just listen and some participate.
            6. Some stop at noon and other keep going to the middle of the afternoon.
            7. Some are casual and Some are dressed with suits, ties, and dresses.

    My real thought kept coming back to #2 and #3 . All of the Christian Churches have the same Bible and they think because of what their denomination, church, pastor, etc. tells them that they are hearing the truth. But certainly not all are teaching the same thing. It is scary to me to consider that you could think you are traveling the right road but being led down a false path.

I guess the question I am asking is:
How do you know that what you are hearing and being taught is truth?

What would your response be if you had received this question?
I’ll share my response in my next post.
(Don’t worry, I’ll post it in two days, which will give you 48 hours to think about how you might would have answered!)


4 replies on “Doubt: How Do I Know that Christianity is True and Right?”

When I was a teenager and had this question and wondered about other religions, I studied the Word and compared what was taught to the Scripture and asked my pastor or teachers about any differences I saw. I then went on a journey of writing questions to ask clergy of every religion I could find to find out how they matched the Word. That was eye-opening. All churches could use improving, but what they teach needs to be right.
I always made sure my children were taught correctly, and if not then I brought it to someone’s attention. I can honestly say that Brian Rushing never taught anything that didn’t match the Word, and the Word was his main focus which is what it should be. If the Word isn’t read and taught and just opinions given or teacher just talks about “I, we, and them” instead of Jesus, God, & Spirit, then you need to find another church.
Hope I don’t offend anyone. I encourage each to search on your own journey. Love you Brian.

Thanks Linda, I love you too! And yes, we do need to check the teachings of our leaders against the Word to make sure that they are preaching and teaching from our One Standard – the Bible!

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