
For Many People, the Concept of Grace is Beyond Them

Many church people…may pay lip service to the idea of grace, but there they stop. Their conception of grace is not so much debased as nonexistent. The thought means nothing to them; it does not touch their experience at all. Talk to them about the church’s heating, or last year’s accounts, and they are with you at once; but speak to them about the realities to which the word grace points, and their attitude is one of deferential blankness.

They do not accuse you of talking nonsense; they do not doubt that your words have meaning; but they feel that, whatever it is that you are talking about, it is beyond them, and the longer they have lived without it the surer they are that at their stage of life they do not really need it.
–J. I. Packer

Yesterday’s post was about this idea of grace – and the “level ground” that it places us all on. And yet, I find that Packer is correct – that many people do not have any sense of the meaning of grace and how necessary it is for us to embrace the meaning of God’s grace.

Do you have an understanding of the term?
Are you trying to learn more about the necessity of God’s grace?
Or have you come to the place where you are okay with the idea being beyond you?

God, help us to make the study of Your grace an important aspect of our lives.