Christian Living

Giving Up Good Things to Obtain the Best

We all want to live the good life. We want good things.

The problem is that sometimes we chase after the good things, and this pursuit keeps us from finding the best things. There is only so much time in a day. Only so much time in a life. And when we spend our time and our lives focusing on the many good things out there, we may miss out on what is best. What if instead, we narrowed our focus to the best things and only pursued those?

Here’s my simplistic example: There are a lot of good books out there that I can read. Many people will tell me about a good book they just read. Some will even hand me their copy and tell me to take time to read it. But there are also some great books out there! Many of them tested by time and having garnered many awards. And so with the limited time I have, I can fill my reading time with many of those good books, but in doing so, I will be unable to read the best books. So I have tried to make a conscious effort to say “No” to the good to make sure I have time to say “Yes” to the best. But it takes determination and effort to keep the good from crowding out the best.

The pursuit of the good life in America hinges on success, wealth, fame. But many people who have sought and obtained that “good life” have found it to be empty and unfulfilling at the top. God tells us what will bring us the best life – pursuing a life that pleases Him. But again, this takes determination and effort to keep the “good” of the American dream from crowding out the “best” of God’s dream for me.

My American notion of the good life is for money and safety and comfort and happiness and the fulfillment of every desire of my heart. But if God tells me that His plan is best, then shouldn’t I drop my notion and try to fulfill every desire of God’s heart?

To meet His desires, it will take determination and effort as I will have to learn to give up my “good” things for His “best” things. The life of a Christian is about constantly giving up my notions and embracing His notions.

It seems counter-intuitive, but since He made the universe, this world, its rules, and me… I figure He understands the difference between “good” and “best” better than I do.

So what do I need to give up today in order to find a bit more of His best for me?
What about you?

And on another note… Many of my posts have to do with me trying to craft something around a quote or thought from something I read and thought was important. But when I can’t figure out a good way to craft around a quote, it can keep me from writing for a few days as I start an idea, re-write it, trash it, etc. So when that occurs, I’m going to try to stop worrying about it so much, and just give some of them to you at the bottom of my post, even if they don’t tie in to the post at all! Just consider it lagniappe! (some of you will have to look that word up!)

Today’s Unrelated Quotes from ‘Creature of the Word’:
“Compassion linked to the gospel is compassion that goes beyond merely observing hurting people; it sees hurting people and realizes that Jesus loves them furiously.”

“Ultimately, then, it’s not our compassion but the compassion of Jesus that fuels and sustains our desire to act on others’ behalf. When we remember how gracious and compassionate Christ has been to us, our compassion is as sustainable as our remembrance of the gospel.”

“Without Him, compassion will slowly but surely devolve into a weepy moment that we forget as soon as the commercial ends or someone breaks the mood with a joke.”

How well does your remembrance of the gospel sustain your compassion?