
The Holiness of Every Human Life – Including the Life of the Unborn

From the title, you can tell that this is going to be a pro-life post. I know that some may not care for a post on such a controversial topic. But God’s Word on this is clear, and with this being an issue that is currently before the United States Supreme Court, I feel that now is a good time to share about the Sanctity and Holiness of Every Human Life.text image saying - sanctity of life

Life has value. God is the one who creates life. And regarding the uniqueness of human life, God made us in His image.

God is holy. His image is holy. Therefore every God-ordained life of every image-bearing human has inherent holiness. Inherent sanctity.

When one adult murders another adult, the life of an image-bearer of God is prematurely ended. The murderer demonstrates his contempt for God by de-valuing the God-ordained life of his fellow human. God created us to be His image-bearers. And to destroy that image shows contempt for God and His image.

In America, we have freedom and prosperity and live in an advanced society, and yet there are still so many people who are unhappy. Why is that? Part of the reason is our rejection of God’s morality. God created us to be like Him, so when we refuse and resist the morality that He has built into us, we become troubled. And so a key reason we find ourselves living in a troubled nation is because of our loss of the moral and spiritual center that God has established.

Yet here in our advanced nation, many of the leaders in science and education continue moving us further away from God – further away from His morality – by moving us away from His Life Ethic. God’s life ethic is the idea that Human Life is sacred from conception to death. And even as a nation, we don’t always disagree about this life ethic.

For example, WW II was a terrible war that pointed out the immorality of several other nations who did not value human life and who had a twisted life ethic.

At Pearl Harbor, we lost 2402 human lives.

Throughout the war, we lost 418,500 American Soldiers in battle.

And in the Holocaust of the war, the Nazis killed 6 million Jews and another 4 million people and prisoners of war. Ten million human lives – ten million image-bearers of God – murdered by the Nazi State.

All because of a flawed or missing life ethic.

We rightly call this blatant disregard for human life an atrocity against humanity. That is definitely what it was. It was the opposite of the sanctity of human life. But here in America, we have also committed an atrocity against humanity – as a nation we have disregarded human life in the womb.

In the United States, we have committed 59.5 million abortions. Where is our nation’s life ethic?

Such big numbers are hard to visualize, so let me show you a map for some perspective.a u.s. map showing the southeast u.s. in red to represent the number of abortions - the evidence of the lack of sanctity for human life

The number of abortions we have committed in 49 years equals the current populations of LA, AR, MS, TN, AL, GA, FL, and SC.

All the people living in those states right now equals 59.5 million people. Wipe out all of us living in the Southeast United States today… and that equals the same number of babies that have been murdered in our nation in the last 49 years.

Right now, our life ethic has us rightly angry over the devastation that is taking place in Ukraine. And if a bomb were dropped which destroyed the lives of everyone in the southeast United States, there would be outrage throughout our nation. And yet, because we have deemed abortion “okay” as a nation, we have allowed the same number of babies lives to be ended over these past 49 years.

God values human life. He created it. He ordained us as His image bearers. We do not have the right to end the life that He creates just because it has not yet exited the womb.picture of an infant holding the finger of an adult - reminding us of the sanctity of human life at all ages

Embracing God’s life ethic is important, though it is obvious that much of our nation does not. As a nation, we have embraced this sin as normative – and it has gone so far that we have now killed millions of our own children. The Holocaust sickens us. Rightly so. And yet, here in America, we have murdered 6 times the number of humans killed by Nazi Germany.

We need to become advocates for the Sanctity of Human Life.A bill from Mississippi is presently before the United States Supreme Court. I hope you will join me in praying that our Justices will help us to become a nation that believes in the Holiness, the Sanctity, of every Human Life, from conception to natural death.

Heavenly Father, we ask You to help us become a nation that holds life sacred. You made us in Your image. Transform us into a nation that honors You, the Giver of life who has defeated death, by holding every human life as sacred. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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