
I’m Thankful That God Is Too Big To Fully Comprehend

God — eternal, incomprehensible, and infinitely powerful — does great and inscrutable things in heaven and on earth, and there is no searching into His marvelous works. If all the works of God were such that human reason could easily grasp them, they would not be called wonderful or beyond the power of words to tell.
–Thomas à Kempis

Along with à Kempis, I am glad that God is beyond my understanding. If I could understand everything about God, then what kind of God would He be? Pretty small. So I’m extremely glad that God is not small, nor able for me to fully comprehend. The things I need to comprehend about God, He has revealed to us in His Word. That means that I need to continue studying the Bible so that I can continue increasing my comprehension of how great He is.

Have you taken time to read God’s Word today and grow in your comprehension of the fully incomprehensible God?