
Jesus and Politics

As we find ourselves in the midst of Presidential debates and polarizing political discussions, this quote comes at an appropriate time:

A political movement by nature draws lines, makes distinctions, pronounces judgment; in contrast, Jesus’ love cuts across lines, transcends distinctions, and dispenses grace. Regardless of the merits of a given issue — whether a pro-1ife lobby out of the Right or a peace-and-justice lobby out of the Left — political movements risk pulling onto themselves the mantle of power that smothers love.

From Jesus I learn that, whatever activism I get involved in, it must not drive out love and humility, or otherwise I betray the kingdom of heaven. I feel convicted by this quality of Jesus every time I get involved in a cause I strongly believe in. How easy it is to join the politics of polarization, to find myself shouting across the picket lines at the “enemy” on the other side.

How hard it is to remember that the kingdom of God calls me to love the woman who has just emerged from the abortion clinic (and, yes, even her doctor), the promiscuous person who is dying of AIDS, the wealthy landowner who is exploiting God’s creation.

If I cannot show love to such people, then I must question whether I have truly understood Jesus’ gospel.
–Philip Yancey

Is your compassion large enough to allow you to retain love and humility while you are also standing up for the things that you believe in. Jesus stood up for what He believed in with love and humility all the way to the point where they nailed Him to the cross. And then, and THEN, instead of spewing anger at those who put Him there, He looked at them with love and prayed: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

May we have the same heart of love and compassion and humility while we also hold to our standards. May we look at others, not with anger and hatred for being on the “wrong side” of an issue, but rather look at them with compassion, hoping to one day win them to the side of Truth.