
Living in the World as Salt and Light

The Bible makes it plain that God’s will is for his people to be scattered like salt and light among the whole range of secular vocations. Enclaves of Christians living only with Christians and working only with Christians would not accomplish God’s whole purpose in the world. That does not mean Christian orders or ministries or mission outposts are wrong. It means they are exceptional. The vast majority of Christians are meant to live in the world and work among unbelievers. This is their “office,” their “calling,” as Luther would say.
–John Piper

Have you taken the idea that you are to be a “Workplace Pastor” with your fellow co-workers?
Have you realized that God set you in your occupation to be the chaplain to them?

Your “office” is to be a missionary at your office – to share Christ’s love with those in your sphere of influence. Your pastor isn’t going to be able to do it.
God hasn’t called another missionary into your field.
You are it.
You are His man or His woman who He has placed “for such a time as this” in your specific role to make a Kingdom-difference in the lives of those around you. Don’t mess it up by failing to step up and step into the role He has chosen for you!