Christian Living

There Is No Middle Ground

a throne room with one throne signifying that there is no middle groundWe all have a Central Command Post inside of us. You have a “Mission Control” Center that runs your life. I often call it the Throne Room of life. There is only one throne in that room, and laying beside the throne is only one crown, only one kingly robe, and only one royal scepter. And only one person can sit one that throne with these royal items – and you get to choose who it will be.

For most of us, the person seated on our throne is “self.” But God tells us that He is the only One who can sit on that throne and not destroy a life. But I feel like I could do a pretty good job of running my life, so maybe I should retain ownership. So who will I invite to sit on the throne of my life?

Verse 39. He who has found his life will lose it . . .
Jesus makes it very clear that there is no middle ground. He will not share the throne with me. Either he sits on it completely or he stands aside. He doesn’t say, “Brian I’ll sit over here on this half of the throne, and you come squeeze in beside me.” Two people on the throne is one person too many.

So Jesus gives us only two alternatives: spare your life or sacrifice your life. He leaves no room for middle ground. If I decide to protect my own interests, I will lose. But If I die to myself and live for His interests, I will find true success in life. Jesus knows that the real war that I am fighting is spiritual and that it takes place inside of me – and it comes down to who will I choose to sit on the throne and run my life . . . it comes down to selfishness versus sacrifice. (Warren Wiersbe)

As a Christ-follower, I am to give up all of my individual “rights” to the King, together with any possessions, passions, pastimes, or people that might distract me from following Him. In “losing” these lesser aspects of earthly life, I “find” true worth — I find God’s purpose, joy, and reward. (Holman New Testament Commentary)

And that is the best thing anyone could ever find.
Today, I’m getting off of my throne and asking Him to take His proper place.
Who will you invite to sit on the throne of your life today?