Christian Living

Recommended Reading Lists

Today I’ll let you in on a little secret – I’m weird.
You’re probably thinking – “but that isn’t a secret at all.”
Point taken.

Today’s topic of discussion on my weirdness is my “Reading List.”photo of my library bookshelf to show some of the books I am reading

What I post about often comes from what I have been reading. So how do I choose what to read? Many people choose their “next book” on what is the latest bestseller. My list doesn’t come from the hottest books out there today, but rather from respected sources who share with me the best stuff they have read — People (and authors) I trust who share with me the books that have influenced them most.

I don’t necessarily want to know what is the newest book on a subject, but what is the best book on the subject… especially one that has lasted the test of time. Some of my favorite authors have warned their readers to avoid “Chronological Snobbery” — something I definitely had when I was younger. Back then, I believed that “new” meant best, while “old” was dated and less important. But what I have learned is that there are books that have stood the test of time as being extremely important for Christian growth. And with the limited amount of time that I have to read, I want to choose not just “good” books, but those that have been deemed the best.

Two lists that have helped me select books are both from Christianity Today:
(you can click on the links if you are interested in knowing their choices)

The Top 50 Books that Have Shaped Evangelicals

The Top 100 Books of the 20th Century

Though I’m sure there could be some disagreement about the lists, the books they suggest are certainly a good place to start. They aren’t the newest books on the shelves. And some of the choices may seem a bit weird to you.

Over the next few days, I’ll share with you some of what I have been reading and give you some of my own recommendations. But until then, what are your suggestions? What would be on your list as your very favorite Christian books… the ones that have been instrumental in shaping your Christian development that you recommend everyone should read?

I’d love to know, as I might want to add one of your recommendations to my weird reading list!