Christian Living

Roles for Every Christian: Disciple, Disciple-Maker, Missionary

One of the things we discussed at FBC Newton throughout 2017 was the role of a Christian. And within that discussion, we actually identified three roles that God has called each Christian to embrace:
       Disciple, Disciple-maker, & Missionary.

picture of footprints in the sand, symbolizing the need for us to live in a way that people should follow up as we live out the roles God has called us to
is anyone following you?

A quick definition of each of the roles:
Disciple: A disciple is a dedicated follower of Jesus growing in love and obedience to Him. (Are you growing in love & obedience to Him?)

Disciple-Maker: A disciple-maker is a disciple who helps a fellow Christian to grow in love & obedience to Jesus. (Are you helping anyone grow?)

Missionary: A missionary is a disciple who shares the good news of the love of Jesus with those who do not yet know Him. (Are you sharing with anyone?)

I hope that you truly believe that God has called you to embrace each of these roles:
      disciple, disciple-maker, and missionary.

At FBC Newton, We stated our commitment to these tasks and roles as follows:

“I Am a Disciple.
I Am a Disciple-Maker.
And I Am a Missionary.
So as I am going,
I will change my conversations, and
I will excel still more.”

How well are you at embracing the three roles?
How well are you at completing the three tasks associated with the roles:
(1) Are you going through life focused on God’s mission?
(2) As you go, are you changing your conversations to point people toward Jesus?
(3) And are you excelling in Christian living such that people can see Jesus in you?


One reply on “Roles for Every Christian: Disciple, Disciple-Maker, Missionary”

We are just beginning a new study in Acts and my eyes are being opened about how lacking we are in our faith based organizations and how far we are from Christ’s instructions on how the church is to conduct itself, grow and reach the lost.

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