
The Rest of Sunday

Yesterday was Sunday…did you find your way to worship?

small white country church with a church bell beside itThe first day of the week (Sunday) has become for Christians our day of rest when we reflect on the resurrection of Jesus. Though it is not the original Sabbath day of the Old Testament, we have followed the lead of the early church such that Sunday is now our Sabbath day of rest. But what will I do with it?

I agree with Pastor Gordon MacDonald that we should be more careful of our use of the Sabbath: “Sabbath-time is definitely not a time for catching up on household chores, exhausting recreation, or parties. Sabbath-time is retreat, withdrawal. In it, one worships, meditates, and seeks a filled inner spirit. At its conclusion, one is refreshed.”

Too often I end my Sabbath-time feeling spent rather than refreshed. I use it to do things that in no way bring me closer to my Great God. Father, forgive me, and help me get a right perspective on how to use my Sabbath-time each and every Sunday. Help me be refreshed when I finish my Sundays.

I hope that next Sunday, you will strive to put aside busy-ness and distractions so that at the end of the day, you have been refreshed in God through worshiping Him alongside Christian brothers and sisters.

What do you do each Sunday to keep from being too busy with personal chores or exhausting recreation? What do you do to make sure that you are refreshed in Him before you start a new week? How do you enjoy Sunday rest?