Christian Living

Amazing Insights from Teens

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… I was a youth minister. At least it seems long ago. As a youth minister I would occasionally hear negative comments about teens – about their attitudes and disrespect and (fill in the blank with something you’ve heard). And though teens can at times be impulsive, they can also have amazing insights & faith in Jesus.

Almost 10 years ago at summer camp, I wrote down a few quotes that students said during our debriefing time (which often seemed to last until about 1 am!). The insights they shared were quite remarkable.

From a student who was striving to improve his boldness in sharing his faith:
“In Luke, Jesus says, ‘The Son of Man came to seek and to save those who are lost.’ I wish people could say of me, ‘the son of Bart came to seek and to save those who are lost.’” (Brett Carr)

Brett’s brother was in college and led our Bible study time that week. As a teen he had worried that some of his past mistakes could be held against his witness. He stated: “When Paul started his ministry, people who had known him didn’t readily accept his message because of his known past. People who have seen your hypocritical life will always be there, but that should not stop us from living our life in Christ.” (Cory Carr)

Two other quotes from two of the young ladies at camp (I think both were high school seniors that year):

“As ‘good’ Christians, we can become prideful about our good and godly life. Pride in goodness is still pride – we must become humble.” (Beth Floyd)

“We spend time with people who make us feel special, so make others feel special with your life so your life and testimony will impact them and lead them to Christ.”

The faith statements of these four young people give a glimpse of what Jesus Christ can do in and through us, even at an early age. But only if we are open to His influence. Let us never doubt what God wants to teach us through those who are younger and who often have an amazing ability to show great faith in Him!

What else have your children (or someone else’s) said or done that showed remarkable faith or insight regarding his or her relationship with Jesus?
blonde-headed young girl picking white and yellow flowers in a field

Christian Living


“More than He wants you to understand what He is doing,
God wants you to trust that He understands what He is doing.”
-Heath Johnson

I agree with my friend Heath – God doesn’t ask me to understand what He is doing. Though there are times when He provides me with understanding, there are many times when I am not able to understand the “why,” rather I am simply to trust.

But I don’t like that.
I’d rather know more about why.
I want Him to educate me on the reasons. library shelves filled from top to bottom with books

But the truth is that… “our problem is not an inadequate education. It is a rebellious heart” (Ravi Zacharias).

Fortunately, He is trustworthy. So we don’t have to require that He educate us completely with His plans. We can simply submit ourselves to His Lordship, knowing that He is a trustworthy and good King.

Trust Him.
I’m still learning how.
But I continue to find that the more trust I place in Him, the more trustworthy and faithful I find Him to be. Join me in finding Him to be most faithful!

God, Help Us To Change Our Conversations!

— brian rushing

Christian Living

The Dream

I woke up this morning, rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, and I could vaguely recollect my terrible dream… that my life was normal and safe.glowing half moon that looks as if it is from a dream

Were you having that same dream? I hope we will both wake up from it. John Piper has stated that “Insulated Western Christianity is waking from the dreamworld that being a Christian is normal or safe. More and more, true Christianity is becoming what it was as the beginning: foolish and dangerous.”

I sure hope that his statement is true. We have believed the lie for too long – the lie that the Christian life should be safe, secure, and comfortable. That is not biblical and it is a tragic mistake. And the truth is that it has stifled our spiritual growth and maturity. The lie has watered-down our evangelism, left our faith anemic, and made us into people of anxiety whenever God calls us to a task. Instead we should be open to the “placing our ‘YES’ on the altar” and going wherever God asks, because we know God who directs us to step out on faith is right there with us. For me, “He only is my rock & my salvation; my stronghold. I shall not be greatly shaken!” Therefore I can trust that if He asks me to be obedient, He will give me the ability to obey. I just have to decide to step out on faith. I hope you’ll join Him in the adventure of a dangerous Christian life that takes you out of your comfort zone into radical faith and obedience.

— brian rushing