Christian Living


“More than He wants you to understand what He is doing,
God wants you to trust that He understands what He is doing.”
-Heath Johnson

I agree with my friend Heath – God doesn’t ask me to understand what He is doing. Though there are times when He provides me with understanding, there are many times when I am not able to understand the “why,” rather I am simply to trust.

But I don’t like that.
I’d rather know more about why.
I want Him to educate me on the reasons. library shelves filled from top to bottom with books

But the truth is that… “our problem is not an inadequate education. It is a rebellious heart” (Ravi Zacharias).

Fortunately, He is trustworthy. So we don’t have to require that He educate us completely with His plans. We can simply submit ourselves to His Lordship, knowing that He is a trustworthy and good King.

Trust Him.
I’m still learning how.
But I continue to find that the more trust I place in Him, the more trustworthy and faithful I find Him to be. Join me in finding Him to be most faithful!

God, Help Us To Change Our Conversations!

— brian rushing