Christian Living

Problematic Worry

What’s got you worried today? Anxiety is such a problem for so many of us, and it is a bigger problem than we realize. Certainly Corrie Ten Boom was right when she said: “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.”

Worry is sin in that it is a lack of faith – it is the sin of pride turned sideways. It indicates that we believe our situation is somehow more special than anyone else’s and that God isn’t big enough to handle our special situation. We don’t have faith that He is able, so it is lack of faith and pride that leads us into the sin of anxiety and worry.

“Faith ends where worry begins, and worry ends where faith begins.” –George Muellerman seated on a bench in deep prayer or worry or both

With so many of us worried about today – worried about something at work, worried about a relationship problem at home, worried about a decision we made in the past, worried about the future, what can we do?

We can give it to God. We want to give something to God that blesses Him, but “Paul warns against any view of God which makes Him the beneficiary of our beneficence. He informs us that God cannot be served in any way that implies we are meeting His needs…. But isn’t there something we can give to God that won’t belittle Him to the status of beneficiary? Yes. Our anxieties…. God will gladly receive anything from us that shows our dependence and His all-sufficiency” (John Piper).

When we lose all our anxiety by trusting Him fully, then we become fully dependent on Him! Give your anxiety to Him today and trust His promise to take care of you.

Remember – “God’s answers are wiser than our prayers.” Therefore we should certainly pray, but when the answer comes and it is not what we expect, remember that God’s foolishness is wiser than man’s wisdom, so trust His answer even more than your request.

With so many struggling with this issue, what advice would you give on how you keep your anxiety level down and your faith in God up?

“You can no more outgrow your need for God than you can outgrow your need for oxygen.” (unknown)