Serving Others

Your Role As The Office Minister

Yesterday I encouraged us to start believing that we are all ministers, no matter our occupational setting. If we would start thinking of ourselves as the “chaplain” or “workplace pastor” of our office or school or neighborhood, we might begin to change how we operate in our occupation.

a clock symbolizing it is time to step into our role as office ministerGod wants you to be a minister. I don’t mean that He wants you on a church staff payroll – but rather He wants you to consider yourself as the office minister in your workplace on their payroll! God doesn’t want you focused on YOUR job. What He wants is for you to be focused on HIS job.

I think as Christians we could reword a quote about our professions (from early American entrepreneur Charles Kettering) as if was from God speaking to us about our Christian Vocation to serve Him. Maybe it would look something like this –
“I don’t want any fellow working for me who has tried to put his Christianity into his occupation. What I want is a fellow whom the Christian Vocation has taken hold of. I want the Christian Vocation to get the fellow and not the fellow to try to work Christianity into His occupation. And I want the Christian Vocation to get hold of this person so hard that no matter where he is the Christian Vocation has got him for keeps. I want the Christian Vocation to have him in its clutches when he goes to bed at night, and in the morning I want that same Christian Vocation to be sitting on the foot of his bed telling him it’s time to get up and come work WITH ME. And when the Christian Vocation gets a fellow that way he’ll amount to something.”

If we could reorient our thinking so that our occupation is not what we are getting up to do each day and trying to put some of our Christian life into, if we could instead think about life as “today I am getting up to go minister and I will pray, counsel, teach, preach, study, & communicate the gospel to those who around me at work or school” then we would have a better grasp on the Christian life…this Christian vocation. So today I am getting up to go minister in the factory where God has placed me, in the office God has placed me, in the neighborhood God has placed me. I am first and foremost a minister, and wherever God places me in whatever occupation or situation, I never lose sight of the fact that God has CALLED me to be a minister first.

Even if you never asked Him about your occupational ‘calling,’ your vocational calling has never changed from the moment you call Him Savior & Lord – your calling is “minister,” “missionary,” “messenger of His gospel!” The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of each of us considering ourselves the God-appointed chaplain for our workplace, school, family, and neighborhood.

God is calling us to live out the Christian vocation and to change our minds to look at ministry as not just the church pastor’s role, but our role. Pastors just do their chaplaincy in the church building while you are the chaplain at the bank or the office or with your clients or on the golf course.

The world’s model says to chase your dreams, go after your goals, reach for the stars. But here’s the truth from God’s word – If your goals are not God’s goals, then you are never really going to be a success in His eyes – and isn’t how we are viewed by God really the only thing that matters?

Start viewing yourself as your office’s pastor and chaplain. Because they might never step into the office of a church pastor. You become the pastor that they need! What roles do you expect your pastor to do for you? Do the same for them! Start today.

Serving Others

Something’s Got A Hold On Me

We hear ministers and missionaries talk about a calling –
“God called me into the ministry.”
“I sensed God calling me to missions.”
“The Lord called me into church work.”

There is truth to this, but there is also a danger here of misconstruing the truth – the danger of making those who are not church staff members feel that their occupation is somehow not on the same level in God’s eyes. And nothing could be further from the truth. God is calling you, too!close up picture of a phone symbolizing our calling from God

It is true that God calls some to be church staff ministers. But scripture indicates that every one of us is called to be a minister – and only a few will be on a church staff. However, there will be many School Teacher “ministers,” and many health care “ministers,” and many business-world “ministers.”

We church staff ministers developed a bad habit of calling our occupation a “vocation,” thereby implying that everyone else just has an occupation. But here is the truth – for every single believer, you have a vocation as minister. There is a difference between our occupation and our vocation. Our occupation is the job we do that gets us a paycheck this month. And that occupation can change, and probably will change, throughout your life. But our vocation as Christians is to be the same for each and every one of us – to be a minister no matter our occupation. We are to use our relationship with God to point others in the direction of Jesus Christ so that they can come to a right relationship with Him and grow in their spiritual maturity.

I don’t want your mindset to end at “I am a Christian and I should not be ashamed of that fact at work and should live out a Christian example at the office or the plant or the school.” That’s not a bad place to start, but I want us to go further. I am talking about an entire reprocessing of our understanding of life itself and why we are here.

According to the Bible, life is about being a minister of God’s gospel message. Period. Everything else in our lives is to be used to share this message with those around us.

So if your occupation is in the health care field as a doctor or nurse, your vocation should be a Christian minister sharing the message of God and His love to others and while you are at it be as good of a doctor as you can be and use that position to share Christ’s love with patients.

Life for a teacher is to be a Christian minister sharing the message of God and His love to others and while you are at it be as good of a teacher as you can and use that position to share Christ’s love with students and fellow teachers.

Life for a business person is to be a Christian minister sharing the message of God and His love to others and while you are at it be as good of a business person as you can and use that position to share Christ’s love with your clients and fellow workers.

Your vocation is as a minister of the gospel no matter where you are with your occupation. My vocation is to minister, presently through my church staff position. But what if my position changes? What if I go to work in another field? Well, my occupation would change, but my vocation would not. It remains the same – minister of the gospel.

Life for each of us is to be a Christian minister. You are to use the occupation that God presently has you in to fulfill your vocation of sharing Christ’s love with those you are in contact with every day. Start thinking in terms of being the minister for your workplace – for that is what you are. You have been placed by God in your specific field to minister to those around you. Are you lifting those around you up in prayer? As their minister, you should be. Are you sharing with them how to know Christ? As their minister, you should be. Are you helping believers around you know how to grow in spiritual maturity? As their minister, you should be.

As you go to your occupation today, consider how you will live out your vocation as a minister to those around you!