
The Gospel is Sufficiently Strong on Its Own

Regarding our fear of sharing our faith due to people possibly asking us questions that we do not know the answers to:
Of course people will ask us questions that we can’t answer! What has that got to do with evangelism? The gospel does not need our aid in its defense; it is quite capable of defending itself. As Luther said, “Let us not be anxious, the gospel does not need our help; it is sufficiently strong of itself!”
–Rebecca Pippert

Yes, we need to stay sharp and prepared for peoples’ questions, if we can, through the study of God’s Word. However, we cannot know all things about the Bible, nor can we anticipate every single question that may come our way. What we can do is tell people the truth of what happened to us due to our relationship with Jesus: “He changed my life.”

As a Christian songwriter recently wrote:
“How do I know what I believe? Well, I’m not the same me, and that’s all the proof I need!”