
The Gospel… The Deepest Foundation For Community

If relationships aren’t built on something deeper than finding good restaurants, working at the same company, or having kids in the same activities, they will change whenever the common bond is no longer there.

Community is only as strong as what it’s built upon.
And nothing is as strong as the gospel.
The gospel is the deepest foundation for community.

What connects believers is the reality that we were all very messed-up people, broken before a holy God, yet rescued and given new life in Christ. What unites believers is deeper than anything that can divide.
–Matt Chandler

We are designed to be in relationship… in community… with others. And yet, we find that many times our community that we are building with others is not built on something lasting. But when we build it on the gospel, our relationships are built on the strongest and most solid foundation that exists. It can allow people with great differences to come together with love for one another. People who wouldn’t have been caught dead together, now greet each other with a holy kiss – as brothers and sisters in Christ – the one who has transformed them and given them a new family under one Father.