
To die for Christ would be an honor I do not deserve.

Yesterday, I wrote about surrendering all of yourself to Jesus. But does that truly mean dying to self? If I am faced with choosing life by denying Jesus or death by affirming my relationship to Him, should I really be expected to stand with Him and die?

    If being a Christian costs you your life, how with that help you make much of Christ? Many have made God look great through their death. When the hour comes for everything to be taken from us but Christ, we will magnify Him by saying: “In Him I have everything and more. To die is gain.” If we learn to die like that, we will be ready to live. And if we don’t learn this, we waste our lives.

    Some of us would be willing to die for Christ, the question is are we willing to live for Him, suffer for Him, and magnify Him with our lives.
–John Piper

Questions every follower of Christ must answer.
I hope you truly are able to say: To die is gain. To die for Christ would be an honor I do not deserve.
These were the beliefs of the apostles and of the martyrs of history. May we hold to the same beliefs.