
Truth Is Not Determined By Majority Opinion

Ten thousand people telling a lie do not turn the lie into truth.
–Bruce Shelley

What is the standard for truth?
It must be something outside of myself, otherwise I am the creator of truth.
2+2=4, not because I agree or disagree with the statement, not because I like or dislike it.

So what is the standard?

The unchanging character of God determines truth and morality.
What He says is true. Who He is is true.
Anything that goes against His nature, character, word, or will is not truth.

The problem is that we don’t want it that way.
But just because I want 2+2=7.5, won’t make it so.
And just because all of society wants to redefine truth or morality, won’t make it so.
Therefore, look to God’s Word, learn His truth, and hold it up as what you will trust and believe and follow.

To do otherwise is to hope that you can change the truth by majority opinion.
And worse, it will put you outside of God’s will and His plan for your life.
